Source code for grb.defense.gnnguard

import dgl
import numpy as np
import scipy.sparse as sp
import torch
import torch.nn as nn
import torch.nn.functional as F
from dgl.nn.pytorch import GATConv
from scipy.sparse import lil_matrix
from sklearn.metrics.pairwise import cosine_similarity
from sklearn.preprocessing import normalize

from grb.model.torch.gcn import GCNConv
from grb.utils.normalize import GCNAdjNorm

[docs]class GCNGuard(nn.Module): def __init__(self, in_features, out_features, hidden_features, n_layers, activation=F.relu, layer_norm=False, dropout=True, feat_norm=None, adj_norm_func=GCNAdjNorm, drop=0.0, attention=True): super(GCNGuard, self).__init__() self.in_features = in_features self.out_features = out_features self.feat_norm = feat_norm self.adj_norm_func = adj_norm_func if type(hidden_features) is int: hidden_features = [hidden_features] * (n_layers - 1) elif type(hidden_features) is list or type(hidden_features) is tuple: assert len(hidden_features) == (n_layers - 1), "Incompatible sizes between hidden_features and n_layers." n_features = [in_features] + hidden_features + [out_features] self.layers = nn.ModuleList() for i in range(n_layers): if layer_norm: self.layers.append(nn.LayerNorm(n_features[i])) self.layers.append(GCNConv(in_features=n_features[i], out_features=n_features[i + 1], activation=activation if i != n_layers - 1 else None, dropout=dropout if i != n_layers - 1 else 0.0)) self.reset_parameters() self.drop = drop self.drop_learn = torch.nn.Linear(2, 1) self.attention = attention @property def model_type(self): return "torch"
[docs] def reset_parameters(self): for layer in self.layers: layer.reset_parameters()
[docs] def forward(self, x, adj): for layer in self.layers: if isinstance(layer, nn.LayerNorm): x = layer(x) else: if self.attention: adj = self.att_coef(x, adj) x = layer(x, adj) return x
[docs] def att_coef(self, features, adj): edge_index = adj._indices() n_node = features.shape[0] row, col = edge_index[0].cpu().data.numpy()[:], edge_index[1].cpu().data.numpy()[:] features_copy = features.cpu().data.numpy() sim_matrix = cosine_similarity(X=features_copy, Y=features_copy) # try cosine similarity sim = sim_matrix[row, col] sim[sim < 0.1] = 0 """build a attention matrix""" att_dense = lil_matrix((n_node, n_node), dtype=np.float32) att_dense[row, col] = sim if att_dense[0, 0] == 1: att_dense = att_dense - sp.diags(att_dense.diagonal(), offsets=0, format="lil") # normalization, make the sum of each row is 1 att_dense_norm = normalize(att_dense, axis=1, norm='l1') """add learnable dropout, make character vector""" if self.drop: character = np.vstack((att_dense_norm[row, col].A1, att_dense_norm[col, row].A1)) character = torch.from_numpy(character.T).to(features.device) drop_score = self.drop_learn(character) drop_score = torch.sigmoid(drop_score) # do not use softmax since we only have one element mm = torch.nn.Threshold(0.5, 0) drop_score = mm(drop_score) mm_2 = torch.nn.Threshold(-0.49, 1) drop_score = mm_2(-drop_score) drop_decision = drop_score.clone().requires_grad_() drop_matrix = lil_matrix((n_node, n_node), dtype=np.float32) drop_matrix[row, col] = drop_decision.cpu().data.numpy().squeeze(-1) att_dense_norm = att_dense_norm.multiply(drop_matrix.tocsr()) # update, remove the 0 edges if att_dense_norm[0, 0] == 0: # add the weights of self-loop only add self-loop at the first layer degree = (att_dense_norm != 0).sum(1).A1 lam = 1 / (degree + 1) # degree +1 is to add itself self_weight = sp.diags(np.array(lam), offsets=0, format="lil") att = att_dense_norm + self_weight # add the self loop else: att = att_dense_norm row, col = att.nonzero() att_adj = np.vstack((row, col)) att_edge_weight = att[row, col] att_edge_weight = np.exp(att_edge_weight) # exponent, kind of softmax att_edge_weight = torch.tensor(np.array(att_edge_weight)[0], dtype=torch.float32).to(features.device) att_adj = torch.tensor(att_adj, dtype=torch.int64).to(features.device) shape = (n_node, n_node) new_adj = torch.sparse.FloatTensor(att_adj, att_edge_weight, shape) return new_adj
[docs]class GATGuard(nn.Module): def __init__(self, in_features, out_features, hidden_features, n_layers, n_heads, activation=F.leaky_relu, layer_norm=False, feat_norm=None, adj_norm_func=GCNAdjNorm, drop=False, attention=True, dropout=0.0): super(GATGuard, self).__init__() self.in_features = in_features self.out_features = out_features self.feat_norm = feat_norm self.adj_norm_func = adj_norm_func if type(hidden_features) is int: hidden_features = [hidden_features] * (n_layers - 1) elif type(hidden_features) is list or type(hidden_features) is tuple: assert len(hidden_features) == (n_layers - 1), "Incompatible sizes between hidden_features and n_layers." n_features = [in_features] + hidden_features + [out_features] self.layers = nn.ModuleList() for i in range(n_layers): if layer_norm: if i == 0: self.layers.append(nn.LayerNorm(n_features[i])) else: self.layers.append(nn.LayerNorm(n_features[i] * n_heads)) self.layers.append(GATConv(in_feats=n_features[i] * n_heads if i != 0 else n_features[i], out_feats=n_features[i + 1], num_heads=n_heads if i != n_layers - 1 else 1, activation=activation if i != n_layers - 1 else None)) self.drop = drop self.drop_learn = torch.nn.Linear(2, 1) self.attention = attention if dropout > 0.0: self.dropout = nn.Dropout(dropout) else: self.dropout = None @property def model_type(self): return "dgl"
[docs] def forward(self, x, adj): graph = dgl.from_scipy(adj).to(x.device) graph.ndata['features'] = x for i, layer in enumerate(self.layers): if isinstance(layer, nn.LayerNorm): x = layer(x) else: if self.attention: adj = self.att_coef(x, adj) graph = dgl.from_scipy(adj).to(x.device) graph.ndata['features'] = x x = layer(graph, x).flatten(1) if i != len(self.layers) - 1: if self.dropout is not None: x = self.dropout(x) return x
[docs] def att_coef(self, features, adj): adj = adj.tocoo() n_node = features.shape[0] row, col = adj.row, adj.col features_copy = features.cpu().data.numpy() sim_matrix = cosine_similarity(X=features_copy, Y=features_copy) # try cosine similarity sim = sim_matrix[row, col] sim[sim < 0.1] = 0 """build a attention matrix""" att_dense = lil_matrix((n_node, n_node), dtype=np.float32) att_dense[row, col] = sim if att_dense[0, 0] == 1: att_dense = att_dense - sp.diags(att_dense.diagonal(), offsets=0, format="lil") # normalization, make the sum of each row is 1 att_dense_norm = normalize(att_dense, axis=1, norm='l1') """add learnable dropout, make character vector""" if self.drop: character = np.vstack((att_dense_norm[row, col].A1, att_dense_norm[col, row].A1)) character = torch.from_numpy(character.T).to(features.device) drop_score = self.drop_learn(character) drop_score = torch.sigmoid(drop_score) # do not use softmax since we only have one element mm = torch.nn.Threshold(0.5, 0) drop_score = mm(drop_score) mm_2 = torch.nn.Threshold(-0.49, 1) drop_score = mm_2(-drop_score) drop_decision = drop_score.clone().requires_grad_() drop_matrix = lil_matrix((n_node, n_node), dtype=np.float32) drop_matrix[row, col] = drop_decision.cpu().data.numpy().squeeze(-1) att_dense_norm = att_dense_norm.multiply(drop_matrix.tocsr()) # update, remove the 0 edges if att_dense_norm[0, 0] == 0: # add the weights of self-loop only add self-loop at the first layer degree = (att_dense_norm != 0).sum(1).A1 lam = 1 / (degree + 1) # degree +1 is to add itself self_weight = sp.diags(np.array(lam), offsets=0, format="lil") att = att_dense_norm + self_weight # add the self loop else: att = att_dense_norm row, col = att.nonzero() att_edge_weight = att[row, col] att_edge_weight = np.exp(att_edge_weight) att_edge_weight = np.asarray(att_edge_weight.ravel())[0] new_adj = sp.csr_matrix((att_edge_weight, (row, col))) return new_adj