Source code for grb.utils.normalize

import torch
import numpy as np
import scipy.sparse as sp

[docs]def GCNAdjNorm(adj, order=-0.5): r""" Description ----------- Normalization of adjacency matrix proposed in `GCN <>`__. Parameters ---------- adj : scipy.sparse.csr.csr_matrix or torch.FloatTensor Adjacency matrix in form of ``N * N`` sparse matrix (or in form of ``N * N`` dense tensor). order : float, optional Order of degree matrix. Default: ``-0.5``. Returns ------- adj : scipy.sparse.csr.csr_matrix Normalized adjacency matrix in form of ``N * N`` sparse matrix. """ if sp.issparse(adj): adj = sp.eye(adj.shape[0]) + adj[np.where(( > 0) * ( == 1))[0]] = 1 adj = sp.coo_matrix(adj) rowsum = np.array(adj.sum(1)) d_inv = np.power(rowsum, order).flatten() d_inv[np.isinf(d_inv)] = 0. d_mat_inv = sp.diags(d_inv) adj = d_mat_inv @ adj @ d_mat_inv else: rowsum =, torch.ones((adj.shape[0], 1), device=adj.device)) + 1 d_inv = torch.pow(rowsum, order).flatten() d_inv[torch.isinf(d_inv)] = 0. self_loop_idx = torch.stack(( torch.arange(adj.shape[0], device=adj.device), torch.arange(adj.shape[0], device=adj.device) )) self_loop_val = torch.ones_like(self_loop_idx[0], dtype=adj.dtype) indices =, adj.indices()), dim=1) values =, adj.values())) values = d_inv[indices[0]] * values * d_inv[indices[1]] adj = torch.sparse.FloatTensor(indices, values, adj.shape).coalesce() return adj
[docs]def SAGEAdjNorm(adj, order=-1): r""" Description ----------- Normalization of adjacency matrix proposed in `GraphSAGE <>`__. Parameters ---------- adj : scipy.sparse.csr.csr_matrix Adjacency matrix in form of ``N * N`` sparse matrix. order : float, optional Order of degree matrix. Default: ``-0.5``. Returns ------- adj : scipy.sparse.csr.csr_matrix Normalized adjacency matrix in form of ``N * N`` sparse matrix. """ if sp.issparse(adj): adj = sp.eye(adj.shape[0]) + adj for i in range(len( if[i] > 0 and[i] != 1:[i] = 1 if[i] < 0:[i] = 0 adj.eliminate_zeros() adj = sp.coo_matrix(adj) if order == 0: return adj.tocoo() rowsum = np.array(adj.sum(1)) d_inv = np.power(rowsum, order).flatten() d_inv[np.isinf(d_inv)] = 0. d_mat_inv = sp.diags(d_inv) adj = d_mat_inv @ adj else: adj = torch.eye(adj.shape[0]).to(adj.device) + adj rowsum = adj.sum(1) d_inv = torch.pow(rowsum, order).flatten() d_inv[torch.isinf(d_inv)] = 0. d_mat_inv = torch.diag(d_inv) adj = d_mat_inv @ adj return adj
[docs]def SPARSEAdjNorm(adj, order=-0.5): r""" Description ----------- Normalization of adjacency matrix proposed in `GCN <>`__. Parameters ---------- adj : scipy.sparse.csr.csr_matrix or torch.FloatTensor Adjacency matrix in form of ``N * N`` sparse matrix (or in form of ``N * N`` dense tensor). order : float, optional Order of degree matrix. Default: ``-0.5``. Returns ------- adj : scipy.sparse.csr.csr_matrix Normalized adjacency matrix in form of ``N * N`` sparse matrix. """ if sp.issparse(adj): adj = sp.eye(adj.shape[0]) + adj[np.where(( > 0) * ( == 1))[0]] = 1 adj = sp.coo_matrix(adj) rowsum = np.array(adj.sum(1)) d_inv = np.power(rowsum, order).flatten() d_inv[np.isinf(d_inv)] = 0. d_mat_inv = sp.diags(d_inv) adj = d_mat_inv @ adj @ d_mat_inv else: rowsum =, torch.ones((adj.shape[0], 1), device=adj.device)) + 1 d_inv = torch.pow(rowsum, order).flatten() d_inv[torch.isinf(d_inv)] = 0. self_loop_idx = torch.stack(( torch.arange(adj.shape[0], device=adj.device), torch.arange(adj.shape[0], device=adj.device) )) self_loop_val = torch.ones_like(self_loop_idx[0], dtype=adj.dtype) indices =, adj.indices()), dim=1) values =, adj.values())) values = d_inv[indices[0]] * values * d_inv[indices[1]] adj = torch.sparse.FloatTensor(indices, values, adj.shape).coalesce() return adj
[docs]def RobustGCNAdjNorm(adj): r""" Description ----------- Normalization of adjacency matrix proposed in `RobustGCN <>`__. Parameters ---------- adj : tuple of scipy.sparse.csr.csr_matrix Tuple of adjacency matrix in form of ``N * N`` sparse matrix. Returns ------- adj0 : scipy.sparse.csr.csr_matrix Adjacency matrix in form of ``N * N`` sparse matrix. adj1 : scipy.sparse.csr.csr_matrix Adjacency matrix in form of ``N * N`` sparse matrix. """ adj0 = GCNAdjNorm(adj, order=-0.5) adj1 = GCNAdjNorm(adj, order=-1) return adj0, adj1
[docs]def feature_normalize(features): x_sum = torch.sum(features, dim=1) x_rev = x_sum.pow(-1).flatten() x_rev[torch.isnan(x_rev)] = 0.0 x_rev[torch.isinf(x_rev)] = 0.0 features = features * x_rev.unsqueeze(-1).expand_as(features) return features